

Be sure to read the RKT couplings below for corrections and additions.
4.2.12. Innwatch configuration
     The INN server, innd, does not contain any checks to see  if  there
is  enough  free  space on the disk or if the system load average is low
enough to allow article reception.  There are two reasons for this.  The
first  reason  is  philosophical:   it is a mistake to bury this kind of
policy information inside a program.  For example,  you  don't  want  to
have  to  recompile  the  program  just because you moved to a different
filesystem.  (Yes, this  could  be  partially  answered  by  moving  the
information to an external config file, but any compiled rules are still
likely to be incomplete.)  The second reason is pragmatic:  there is  no
portable  way  to  get standard measurements for the information needed.
For example, C  News  provides  three  different  routines  to  get  the
filesystem  statistics  (with  conditional  compilation) while the ``get
load average'' file in IDA sendmail has over 700 lines.

     Rather than get tangled up in such a mess of #ifdef's, INN uses  an
external  program  (shell script) that invokes ctlinnd to stop and start
the server as necessary.  The program, innwatch, reads the control  file
innwatch.ctl.    Innwatch   is  documented  in  doc/news.daily.8,  while
innwatch.ctl is documented in doc/innwatch.ctl.5.

     The parameters in this section control when the server should  stop
accepting  articles,  and  when it should start again.  You will have to
examine site/innwatch.ctl and probably modify it, usually to  check  the
amount  of free space on the disks.  For example, there is a line in the
file that has this fragment in it:

     !!! df . | awk 'NR == 2 { print $4 }' ! ...

This is looking at the fourth field of the second line to get the amount
of  freespace.  You will have to change the ``2'' and ``4'' here, and on
other lines, as appropriate for your system.  (Changing the output of df
seems  to  be one of the things vendors like to do most; it is not worth
my time to have INN keep track of all of them.)

     The parameter INNWATCH_SLEEPTIME specifies how frequently  innwatch
should  check the system -- the other parameters should be set with this
in mind, eg: there needs to be enough free space on  the  filesystem  to
last the next INNWATCH_SLEEPTIME seconds.

     The INNWATCH_xxxLOAD parameters specify the load average  at  which
different  actions should be taken.  They are integers, representing the
load average multipled by 100.  For example, if you want to throttle the
server when your load reaches 7.5, set INNWATCH_HILOAD to ``750.''

     The INNWATCH_xxxSPACE parameters specify the minimum amount of disk
space needed for each of INN's three major filesystems.  The numbers are
in ``local units,'' equivalent to whatever your df uses (512-byte units,
1K blocks, etc).

     The INNWATCH_SPOOLNODES parameter specifies how many inodes must be
available in your spool directory.
[Source:"Installing InterNetNews 1.5.1"] [File-name:install.ms.1][Revision: 1.19 1996/11/10]
[Copyright: 1991 Rich Salz, 1996 Internet Software Consortium]
Installing INN part 1: [Previous] [Up to Table of Contents] [Next]

(Corrections, notes, and links by Mib Software)
Note:Installing INN 2.x is covered at RKT for INN 2.x

More Detailed Topics
config.dist Section 12 INNWATCH CONFIGURATION
Overview and Related Topics
Introduction to the INN config file
The Usenet RKT INN Setup and Changes is a convenient by-topic organization of setup information.

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Copyright 1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting