

Be sure to read the RKT couplings below for corrections and additions.
4.2.14. PGP control message verification.
     Inn now has mecahnisms in place that will do  PGP  verification  of
control messages.

     The WANT_PGPVERIFY parameter defines whether  PGP  verification  of
control  messages  should  be  done.  Select  DO  or  DONT. See the file
README.pgp for more details on this subject.
[Source:"Installing InterNetNews 1.5.1"] [File-name:install.ms.1][Revision: 1.19 1996/11/10]
[Copyright: 1991 Rich Salz, 1996 Internet Software Consortium]
Installing INN part 1: [Previous] [Up to Table of Contents] [Next]

(Corrections, notes, and links by Mib Software)
Note:Installing INN 2.x is covered at RKT for INN 2.x

More Detailed Topics
config.dist Section 14 PGP control message configuration
Overview and Related Topics
Introduction to the INN config file
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Copyright 1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting