Reuse, not rework

License Awareness

Highly Reusable Software

By activity
Professions, Sciences, Humanities, Business, ...

User Interface
Text-based, GUI, Audio, Video, Keyboards, Mouse, Images,...

Text Strings
Conversions, tests, processing, manipulation,...

Integer, Floating point, Matrix, Statistics, Boolean, ...

Algorithms, Memory, Process control, Debugging, ...

Stored Data
Data storage, Integrity, Encryption, Compression, ...

Networks, protocols, Interprocess, Remote, Client Server, ...

Hard World
Timing, Calendar and Clock, Audio, Video, Printer, Controls...

File System
Management, Filtering, File & Directory access, Viewers, ...

LIDESC User Documentation

These pages describe the features and use of the command line version of LIDESC.

Starting to use the License Awareness System
System Requirements
Obtaining and Compiling the LIDESC utility
Obtaining existing license description files
Creating license stamps for files
Reporting the licenses which cover files

Compatibility Tests
Marking licenses as locally unapproved
Reporting when incompatible licenses are used
Reporting if a license is GPL compatible
Reporting if a license is free software according to the FSF
Reporting if a license is open source software according to the Open Source Definition
Reporting if a license is closed-source compatible

Advanced Uses
Using certified license description files
Creating a license description file

Up to: LIDESC: Librock License Awareness System (including overviews.)

Librock LIDESC. Software License Analyzer and Compatibility Reporter
Copyright 2001-2002, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software
You may reproduce verbatim copies of this page, but changing it is not allowed.
Email: Contact