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License Awareness

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Marking licenses as locally unapproved

1. LIDESC needs to have an accessible copy of both the license text file and the license description file, and the hashcode must match. You can force LIDESC reporting to result in an ERROR when:
the file does not exist in the list of directories given with the -d parameter, or
the license text file is altered so that the hashcode does not match.

Because policy decisions may change, you will not want to delete the license files altogether. It is better to move them to an "unapproved" directory which is not in the path searched.

2. When the C/C++ form of the LIDESC stamp is used, and the appropriate macro is defined, a license description file (.lh extension) will be #include'd at compile time. If there license description file is not in the INCLUDE path, there will be an error at compile time. (Because the preprocessor does not check the hashcode, LIDESC should be used to check that the license is identified properly.)

3. To audit a file for unapproved licenses, you can specify the unapproved directory in the -d parameter, and find when it is reported in the output.

4. The license compatibility tests can be used to report licenses with tags that are against local policy. See Reporting when incompatible licenses are used

The license files supplied by Mib Software always contain a unique TAG as the first item in the TAGS string. This be used to specifically identify a license for incompatibility. Create a local policy file and put a corresponding rejection tag into the COMBINE string.

Next: Reporting when incompatible licenses are used
Up to: LIDESC User Documentation

Librock LIDESC. Software License Analyzer and Compatibility Reporter
Copyright 2001-2002, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software
You may reproduce verbatim copies of this page, but changing it is not allowed.
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