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INN Man Pages by Topic: Data Files/History

inncheck(8) check/verify configuration and database files
news-recovery(8) [obsolete. pointers to other man pages]
news.daily(8) perform once-per day maintenance

prunehistory(8) null out entries in history database
expire.ctl(5) control file for Usenet article expiration
history(5) record of current and recently expired usenet articles
grephistory(1) search history database for msg-ID, map Msg-ID to various fields.
overview.fmt(5) format of news overview databases

convdate(1) convert dates to/from time_t and canonical forms
parsedate(3) convert various date formats to time_t

makeactive(8) create active file from spool
makehistory(8) create history file from spool
newsrequeue(8) rewrite batch files after a system crash
inncheck(8) check/verify configuration and database files

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INN Man Pages by Topic: Articles/Spool/Expire
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: History database
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: news.daily/expire
Usenet RKT INN Setup by Topic: Data Files/History

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6.6 INN FAQ After a crash.
Installing InterNetNews 6.2.5. Expire
Usenet RKT For Developers INN1.5.1 source code in Hypertext

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Copyright 1997-1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting