INTERNET-DRAFT                               Charles H. Lindsey
Usenet Format Working Group                  University of Manchester
                                             July 2001 The posting-host-parameter

Previous Up Next  The posting-host-parameter
   If a dot-atom is present, it MUST be a FQDN identifying the specific
   host from which the injecting agent received the article.
   Alternatively, an IP address (dotted-quad or ipv6-numeric) identifies
   that host. If both forms are present, then they MUST identify the
   same host, or at least have done so at the time the article was

        NOTE: It is commonly the case that this header identifies a
        dial-up point-of-presence, in which case a posting-account or
        logging-data may need to be consulted to find the true origin of
        the article.

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Previous draft (04): The posting-host-parameter

Diffs to previous draft

Files {draft-04} and {draft-05} are identical