INTERNET-DRAFT                               Charles H. Lindsey
Usenet Format Working Group                  University of Manchester
                                             July 2001

6.19.1. Usage of Injector-Info-header-parameters

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6.19.1.  Usage of Injector-Info-header-parameters
   The purpose of these parameters is to enable the injecting agent to
   make assertions about the origin of the article, in fulfilment of its
   responsibilities towards the rest of the network as set out in
   section 8.2.  These assertions can then be utilized as follows:

   1. To enable the administrator of the injecting agent to respond to
      complaints and queries concerning the article. For this purpose,
      the parameters included SHOULD be sufficient to enable the
      administrator to identify its true origin (which parameters are
      best suited to this purpose will vary with the nature of the
      injecting site and of its relationship to the posters who use it -
      there is no benefit in including parameters which contribute
      nothing to this aim).  An administrator MAY, with those parameters
      where the syntax so allows, use cryptic notations interpretable
      only by himself if he considers it appropriate to protect the
      privacy of that origin.

   2. To enable relaying, serving and reading agents to recognize
      articles from origins which they might wish to reject, divert, or
      otherwise handle specially, for reasons of site policy.

   3. To enable the timely identification of spews af articles arising
      from a common origin.

   An injecting agent MUST NOT include any Injector-Info-header-
   parameter unless it has positive evidence of its correctness. An
   injecting agent MAY include other-header-parameters with x-token
   attributes which will assist in identifying the origin of the

      NOTE: It will be observed that the range of parameters provided
      allows much choice as to the precise manner in which an injecting
      agent fulfils its responsibilities. Whilst this standard does not
      seek to establish any preferences in this matter, administrators
      of injecting agents need to be aware of the privacy implications
      of the choices that they make.

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Previous draft (04): 6.19.1. Usage of Injector-Info-header-parameters

Diffs to previous draft

Files {draft-04} and {draft-05} are identical