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INN 2.x Man Pages by Topic: Logs

innreport(8) (new) summarize INN log files.

newslog(5) description of log files
writelog(8) add an entry into an INN log file
newslog(8) [obsolete. pointers to other man pages]
innlog.pl(8) perl script to summarize innd and nnrpd log files
scanlogs(8) summarize INN log files
tally.control(8) process logs to track newgroup greation and deletion
tally.unwanted(8) process logs to track unwanted newsgroups
cnfsstat(8) (new in INN 2.2) report snapshot of CNFS

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6.26 INN FAQ I don't want all those reject messages from rnews in syslog

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Copyright 1997-1999, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting