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##  Where the raison d'etre for this distribution lives.
#### =()<_PATH_INND             @<_PATH_INND>@>()=
_PATH_INND              /usr/news/bin/innd
##  Where the optional front-end that exec's innd lives.
#### =()<_PATH_INNDSTART                @<_PATH_INNDSTART>@>()=
_PATH_INNDSTART         /usr/news/bin/inndstart
##  Where news boot-up script should be installed.
#### =()<_PATH_NEWSBOOT         @<_PATH_NEWSBOOT>@>()=
_PATH_NEWSBOOT          /usr/news/bin/
##  Where sendmail, or a look-alike, lives.
##  The -t is optional and says to read message for recipients
#### =()<_PATH_SENDMAIL         @<_PATH_SENDMAIL>@>()=
_PATH_SENDMAIL          /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
##  Where the shell is.
#### =()<_PATH_SH               @<_PATH_SH>@>()=
_PATH_SH                /bin/sh
##  Where the compress program lives.
#### =()<_PATH_COMPRESS         @<_PATH_COMPRESS>@>()=
_PATH_COMPRESS          /usr/bin/compress
##  What extension your compress appends
##  Where egrep lives (you might need the FSF one; see scanlogs)
#### =()<_PATH_EGREP            @<_PATH_EGREP>@>()=
_PATH_EGREP             /usr/bin/egrep
##  Where perl lives
#### =()<_PATH_PERL             @<_PATH_PERL>@>()=
_PATH_PERL              /usr/bin/perl
##  Where awk lives
#### =()<_PATH_AWK              @<_PATH_AWK>@>()=
_PATH_AWK               /usr/bin/awk
##  Where sed lives (you might need the FSF one)
#### =()<_PATH_SED              @<_PATH_SED>@>()=
_PATH_SED               /usr/bin/sed
##  Where sort lives (you may want the FSF one).
#### =()<_PATH_SORT             @<_PATH_SORT>@>()=
_PATH_SORT              /usr/bin/sort
##  Where inews lives.
#### =()<_PATH_INEWS            @<_PATH_INEWS>@>()=
_PATH_INEWS             /usr/news/bin/inews
##  Where rnews lives.
#### =()<_PATH_RNEWS            @<_PATH_RNEWS>@>()=
_PATH_RNEWS             /usr/news/bin/rnews
##  Where generic authentication programs live.
#### =()<_PATH_AUTHDIR          @<_PATH_AUTHDIR>@>()=
_PATH_AUTHDIR           /usr/news/bin/auth
##  Where the NNRP server lives.
#### =()<_PATH_NNRPD            @<_PATH_NNRPD>@>()=
_PATH_NNRPD             /usr/news/bin/nnrpd
##  The path of the process run when an unknown host connects to innd.
##  Usually the same as _PATH_NNRPD, but may be, e.g., the path to
##  nntpd from the reference implementation.
#### =()<_PATH_NNTPD            @<_PATH_NNTPD>@>()=
_PATH_NNTPD             /usr/news/bin/nnrpd
##  Where the NNQR server lives.  Make same as _PATH_NNRPD for now
#### =()<_PATH_NNQRD            @<_PATH_NNRPD>@>()=
_PATH_NNQRD             /usr/news/bin/nnrpd
##  Where most other programs live.
#### =()<_PATH_NEWSBIN          @<_PATH_NEWSBIN>@>()=
_PATH_NEWSBIN           /usr/news/bin
##  Where temporary files live on the server
#### =()<_PATH_TMP              @<_PATH_TMP>@>()=
_PATH_TMP               /var/tmp
##  Command to send mail (with -s "subject" allowed)
#### =()<_PATH_MAILCMD          @<_PATH_MAILCMD>@>()=
_PATH_MAILCMD           /usr/bin/Mail
##  Where scripts should have shlock create locks.
#### =()<_PATH_LOCKS            @<_PATH_LOCKS>@>()=
_PATH_LOCKS             /var/news/locks
##  Where your GNU gzip binary is (for rnews to run on gzipped batches).
#### =()<_PATH_GZIP             @<_PATH_GZIP>@>()=
_PATH_GZIP              /usr/contrib/bin/gzip

config.dist: [Source:"INN 1.5.1 config.dist"] [Revision: 1.64] [Copyright: 1997 Internet Software Consortium]
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Notes for this section at: Installing INN: 4.2.7. Paths to common programs

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