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News Utilities by Topic: Readers

Note: Descriptions are excerpted from the author's description or documentation, or README files or HTML documents. It is fully your responsibility to verify the software will work as you expect and is suitable for use.

count_unread (At Scripts by noyd@u.washington.edu)
Report number of reads for newsgroups, from the dropgroups database.

dnntpd-0.9n-UW (At Scripts by noyd@u.washington.edu)
"...Virtual NNTPd" which allows you to distribute newsgroups across multiple machines.
CMU's software with University of Washington customizations."

dnntpd.tar.gz (At BELNET)
"...Virtual NNTPd which allows you to distribute newsgroups across multiple machines."

dropgroups (At Scripts by noyd@u.washington.edu)
Report newsgroup reading and traffic. This script maintains a database of information compiled
from the INN log files.

grouper (Listed at Dave Barr's INN page) also (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) (At
"A system to manage private authenticated newsgroups in INN. (at Brown) "

java-multithread-nnrpd.README (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)

newstools-1.3.tar.gz (At ISC/INN/unoff-contrib) also (At BELNET)
Various news admin utilities by Bill Davidsen. Some Bugs. Includes NSLG: Reader Synthetic
Load generator: "newsreading robots" (for benchmarking/test). ARTRATE: plot incoming article
rate. CONNRATE: plot connections/second, articles read/second. NCC - news consistency
checker: more complete version of findmissing.pl

nntpcache at ftp://suburbia.net/pub/nntpcache/ (Also At BELNET)
Caches and transparently multiplexes NNTP traffic from multiple servers. Listens on port 119, and caches articles and newsgroups in local spool. Includes source code. Per user license fee in some cases.

kerberos V4 Authentication,(Listed At Dave Barr's INN page)
"including private group management. (From James Mathiesen at Brown University)

-B-r-o-a-d-e-n- your knowledge

INN Patches by Topic: Readers

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Copyright 1997-1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting