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INN Setup by Topic: PERL message filtering

This is the file inn-1.5.1/README.perl_hook

This is $Revision: 1.2 $ dated $Date: 1996/09/13 16:46:50 $.

innd and nnrpd now support some amount of Perl filtering of articles
received from another peer or from a newsreader. This code is based very
heavily on work Christophe Wolfhugel <wolf@pasteur.fr> did. He in turn was
inspired by the existing TCL support. Send me (<inn@isc.org>) and not
Christophe any bug reports, as I fiddled with the code, and am probably the
cause of any problems.

What you get with the Perl support is described in more detail below, but
basically you can supply a perl subroutine that will be invoked on every
article received by innd from a peer, or by nnrpd from a reader. The
subroutine causes nnrpd or innd to accept or reject the article. This will
be most useful for spam killing.

To include Perl support you need to have version perl 5.003. Version 5.001
defintely doesn't work. 5.002 might, but hasn't been tried. Go to
http://www.perl.com/CPAN for the latest Perl goodies.

In config.dist there is a section (#17) devoted to Perl. You must set
PERL_SUPPORT to DO and PERL_INC and PERL_LIB to the appropriate values for
your system for the compilation to work properly.


	When innd starts it loads the file _PATH_PERL_STARTUP_INND, next it
loaded, including the first time, if the perl subroutine
``filter_before_reload'' is defined, then it will be called with noarguments, and it is not expected to return any values. After the
_PATH_PERL_FILTER_INND is loaded the routine ``filter_after_reload'' isexecuted in the same way. These two functions are normally defined in
_PATH_PERL_STARTUP_INND. They could be used for doing things like flushing
cached data to disk, or loading up a cache etc.

	Whenever ctlinnd is run with the command ``reload'' and thefirst argument ``filter.perl'' or ``all'', the filter file_PATH_PERL_FILTER_INND is reloaded with the before and after functions
being run as just described. If the subroutine ``filter_art'' is definedafter the file has been reloaded, then filtering is turned on. If is not
defined, then filtering is turned of.
	Whenever ctlinnd is run with the command ``throttle'', or ``pause''or ``go'', then the perl function ``filter_mode'' is called. It recives noarguments and returns no value. It has access to a global associative array
called ``%mode'', which has three keyed values:
	'Mode' ==> the current mode (``throttled'', ``paused'', or ``running'')	'NewMode' ==> the new mode.
	'reason' ==> the reason given for the mode change.

	Whenever an article is received from a peer via IHAVE or TAKETHIS,
and filtering is turned on, the perl subroutine ``filter_art'' iscalled. It receives no arguments and returns a single scalar value or the
undefined value. It has access to a global associative array called
``%hdr'', which contains values for all standard headers with a non-nullvalue of the article. The standard headers are:

	Approved, Control, Date, Distribution, Expires, From, Lines,
	Message-ID, Newsgroups, Path, Reply-To, Sender, Subject, Supersedes,
	Bytes, Also-Control, References

For example:

   %hdr = ('Subject', 'MAKE MONEY FAST!!',
	   'From', 'Joe Spamer <him@aol.com>',
	   'Date', '10 Sep 1996 15:32:28 UTC',
	   'Newsgroups', 'alt.test',
	   'Path', 'data.ramona.vix.com!gw.home.vix.com!not-for-mail',
	   'Organization', 'Spammers Anonymous',
	   'Lines' '5',
	   'Distribution', 'world'
	   'Message-ID', '<6.20232.842369548@home.octet.com.au>'

If ``filter_art'' returns a null string (not a zero), then the article isaccepted. If it returns a non-zero value, then it is rejected, and the
value returned (typically a string) is used to log the reason why it was



	When nnrpd starts it load the file _PATH_PERL_FILTER_NNRPD. If the
function ``filter_post'' is defined, then filtering is turned on. If itisn't, then filtering is turned off. When filtering is on, every article
received via the POST command is given to the ``filter_post'' subroutine inexactly the same manner as for filter_art in innd. The return value must be
a null string to accept the article, anything else will cause the article
to be rejected and the reason sent back to the client will be the returned
value of the ``filter_post'' function.

Some notes:

In the samples directory there are filter_inn.pl, filter_nnrpd.pl and
startup_innd.pl, with some simplistic examples on how to use them. Note
that all perl evaluation is done inside an implicit ``eval'', so callingdie() will not kill the innd or nnrpd process, nor any other sort of syntax
or functional error.

You should always do 'perl -c -w file' before starting or reloading. If you
change the file after innd is running, and then reload it, filtering wil be
disabled if there was an error in the file. At which point you'll have to
fix the file and reload it.

Overview and Related Topics
Up to: INN Setup by Topic: Incoming news
config.dist Section 17 Perl Configuration

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Copyright 1997-1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting