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INN Man Pages by Topic: Incoming news

rnews(1) receive news (from a connection other than NNTP)
crosspost(8) create links for cross posted articles
overchan(8) update news overview database
newsfeeds(5) determine propagation of Usenet articles (The ME entry)
hosts.nntp(5) list of NNTP feeders
nntpget(1) get Usenet articles from a remote NNTP server

wildmat(3) shell style text/pattern matching

-B-r-o-a-d-e-n- your knowledge

Up To: Usenet RKT INN Man Pages
Usenet RKT INN Man Pages by Topic: Outgoing news
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: Performance
Usenet RKT INN Troubleshooting by Topic: inbound news
Usenet RKT INN Setup by Topic: Incoming news
Usenet RKT News Utilities by Topic: Incoming news

Examine in depth

Usenet RKT NNTP Protocol which also has links to (RFC977+extensions) and RFC1036: (Format of Usenet Messages)
6.21 INN FAQ Setting up proxy-nntp to talk through a firewall
6.25 INN FAQ Speed up NNTP Transfers ("Streaming NNTP")
6.13 INN FAQ I want compressed news, but do not have uucp
6.14 INN FAQ Can I use gzip with INN?
6.12 INN FAQ How do I set up a delayed IHAVE/SENDME over NNTP?
6.20 INN FAQ INN on one machine, UUCP modem on a different one
6.24 INN FAQ Use more than ~100 Feeds on SunOS 4.1 ?
config.dist Section 13 Tcl filtering configuration
config.dist Section 17 Perl Configuration
Usenet RKT For Developers INN1.5.1 source code in Hypertext

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Copyright 1997-1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting