Trouble with news reader software

Summary: Usenet news reader troubleshooting ; news client problems]

Instructions on resolving problems should be available with the news reader software. You should look there for specific instructions to solve these common problems. If something "used to work" and is now "not working", then you probably should be seeking specific help.

Each link here describes common symptoms and possible root causes in a general way, which may be enough for you to see how to figure it out yourself.
Usenet RKT: (coming later!)Getting help with news reader software

Common Problems with news reader software
Doesn't list all articles
Doesn't list all groups
Time Zone is wrong in the articles I post
Takes a long time to receive article list
Takes a long time to receive an article
Takes a long time to post articles
Can't view graphics and attachments

More Detailed Topics
Usenet RKT: (coming later!)Getting help with news reader software

Overview and Related Topics
Usenet RKT: How to access Usenet

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Copyright 1997, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting