Creating a newsreader

Depending on who you talk to, you should be ready to explain why the world needs another newsreader.

For a stronger opinion, one of the previous INN FAQ maintainers has written Read This Before You Write a Newsreader, News Transport System,etc.
Having said all that, there still may be valid reasons to want to write a newsreader. If you are in the developer's section, it is assumed that you are VERY familiar with everything in the Users section of the Usenet RKT. If not, then go away and come back when you are.

What you should be aware of:
Newsreader Requirement outline: Server Communications
Newsreader Requirement outline: User Interface (the bulk of the effort)
Newsreader Requirement outline: Persistent Data
See Point #5 (THINGS TO DO OR NOT TO DO) of Read This Before You Write a Newsreader, News Transport System,etc. for a checklist of behavior and explanation of reasons.

If you are writing a news client for the general public, you should be aware that there has been some discussion on what is desirable, acceptable, and necessary in newsreaders. See: The Good Net Keeping Seal of Approval

Usenet RKT News Developer's Resources

RKT Rapid-Links:[Search] [RKT Tips] Path:Usenet RKT / For Developers / 0042.htm

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Copyright 1997, Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software, INN customization and consulting