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INN FAQ Part 2

NOTE: The maintainers of the INN FAQ stopped publishing in December 1997.
An important update to this topic is provided by Mib Software in the Usenet RKT for Subscribers.

Subject: (2.4) SunOS 4.1.1 tips

SunOS 4.1.1 (but not 4.1.2 or 4.1.3) broke the write system call but a
patch is available. Any write could fail "half way", it is just more
likely to happen when writing large files and in-core DBZ writes the
history file out in one chunk. The "Known Problems" section of the
installation manual says to install Patch 100293-01, but that has
been replaced by 100622-01.


[Source: INN FAQ Part 2 Archive-name: usenet/software/inn-faq/part2]
[Last Changed: $Date: 1997/09/23 01:25:52 $ $Revision: 2.34 $]
[Copyright: 1997 Heiko Rupp, portions by Tom Limoncelli, Rich Salz, et al.]