RKT Design Principleswww.mibsoftware.com

1. One Topic per Page

  • Slice long documents into short topics
    with the RKT tools

  • Reduce page load times

  • Incorporate more graphics and
    relevant links for each topic

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No one wants to wait for a 200Kbyte document with graphics to load, then have to spend time scanning or searching it for the small 1Kbyte part of interest. Even at 56kbps, and "best case" internet routing, 200Kbytes can take over 30 annoying seconds to download! Is that what you want in the age of 15 second TV ads?

Slicing a document into multiple topics cuts the average download time, and gains other benefits as well:

How the RKT Tools Help
By using the [topic] directive, a single source document (which is more easily managed) can be split into multiple topic pages. Macros can be used to define common sections of pages, such as head and tail, tables, and other layout.

New file names are generated as needed, and the RKT tools maintain a persistent "topic to file name map." This ensures that URLs and file names are not re-assigned, and that a URL always references the proper topic.

Copyright 1998, Forrest J. Cavalier III
Mib Software
High Reuse Software Development