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IMAP: Interactive Mail Access Protocol

Interactive Mail Access Protocol, clients, servers, et al
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Applications and Utilities: Showing

TWIG - A web-based IMAP client written with PHP3 {GPL}

(Info at freshmeat)

Applications and Utilities

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Libraries and Components: Showing

imap_mail - Send an email message

At PHP: Manual

imap_mail_compose - Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections

At PHP: Manual

imap_mime_header_decode - Decode MIME header elements

At PHP: Manual

imap_utf8 - Converts text to UTF8

At PHP: Manual

imap_utf7_encode - Converts 8bit data to modified UTF-7 text.

At PHP: Manual

imap_utf7_decode - Decodes a modified UTF-7 encoded string.

At PHP: Manual

imap_status - This function returns status information on a mailbox other than the current one

At PHP: Manual

imap_alerts - This function returns all IMAP alert messages (if any) that have occurred during this page request or since the alert stack was reset

At PHP: Manual

imap_errors - This function returns all of the IMAP errors (if any) that have occurred during this page request or since the error stack was reset.

At PHP: Manual

imap_fetch_overview - Read an overview of the information in the headers of the given message

At PHP: Manual

imap_last_error - This function returns the last IMAP error (if any) that occurred during this page request

At PHP: Manual

imap_msgno - This function returns the message sequence number for the given UID

At PHP: Manual

imap_uid - This function returns the UID for the given message sequence number

At PHP: Manual

imap_fetchheader - Returns header for a message

At PHP: Manual

imap_sort - Sort an array of message headers

At PHP: Manual

imap_clearflag_full - Clears flags on messages

At PHP: Manual

imap_setflag_full - Sets flags on messages

At PHP: Manual

imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist - Parses an address string

At PHP: Manual

imap_rfc822_write_address - Returns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox, host, and personal info.

At PHP: Manual

imap_mailboxmsginfo - Get information about the current mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_scanmailbox - Read the list of mailboxes, takes a string to search for in the text of the mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_binary - Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string

At PHP: Manual

imap_8bit - Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string

At PHP: Manual

imap_qprint - Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string

At PHP: Manual

imap_search - This function returns an array of messages matching the given search criteria

At PHP: Manual

imap_undelete - Unmark the message which is marked deleted

At PHP: Manual

imap_unsubscribe - Unsubscribe from a mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_renamemailbox - Rename an old mailbox to new mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_ping - Check if the IMAP stream is still active

At PHP: Manual

imap_open - Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_num_recent - Gives the number of recent messages in current mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_num_msg - Gives the number of messages in the current mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_mail_move - Move specified messages to a mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_getsubscribed - List all the subscribed mailboxes

At PHP: Manual

imap_listsubscribed - List all the subscribed mailboxes

At PHP: Manual

imap_getmailboxes - Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one

At PHP: Manual

imap_listmailbox - Read the list of mailboxes

At PHP: Manual

imap_headers - Returns headers for all messages in a mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_rfc822_parse_headers - Parse mail headers from a string

At PHP: Manual

imap_header - Read the header of the message

At PHP: Manual

imap_fetchstructure - Read the structure of a particular message

At PHP: Manual

imap_fetchbody - Fetch a particular section of the body of the message

At PHP: Manual

imap_expunge - Delete all messages marked for deletion

At PHP: Manual

imap_deletemailbox - Delete a mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_delete - Mark a messge for deletion from current mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_createmailbox - Create a new mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_close - Close an IMAP stream

At PHP: Manual

imap_check - Check current mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_body - Read the message body

At PHP: Manual

imap_base64 - Decode BASE64 encoded text

At PHP: Manual

imap_append - Append a string message to a specified mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_reopen - Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_subscribe - Subscribe to a mailbox

At PHP: Manual

imap_mail_copy - Copy specified messages to a mailbox

At PHP: Manual

Libraries and Functions

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Related Subjects (under Open source license)

(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)

Email Processing - Automatic processing, Archives, formatting for WWW, autoresponders

Email Notification - programs that notify users when mail arrives

Email User Agents - User interface for reading and composing email

Email Server and Transport Agents - Electronic mail servers including delivery, routing, and transfer agents (MTAs), protocols (SMTP, POP, IMAP, -

Email Lists - Management and implementation of electronic mailing lists including Mailing list management (MLM) software. bulk emailers, et al.

Email for file transfer and MIME - methods of using email for file transfer, including Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) related topics

Electronic Mail - broad overview of electronic mail

Up to Electronic Mail - broad overview of electronic mail software, protocols, et al.

Up to Person to Person Communications - Interpersonal Communications. IRC, BBS, email, paging, write, talk

Up to Communications

(There may be additional related subject pages listed here)

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  GPL or LGPL.
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