
Publishing and Distribution on the Internet
Selling products in a mass market is simple to understand:

Of course, to have something to sell, steps 1 and 2 (product and packaging development) are necessary. This will always be true. (I am not quite sure that enough time is usually spent on step 1 in the current software business. I intend to work differently)

But in "traditional" business even in "traditional software business" steps 3 and 4 were simply beyond the capabilities of the small business. Special equipment is generally needed for duplication whether it is software disks, or chocolate-chip cookies. And regional, national, world-wide distribution is a complicated task, requiring many, many transfers, which drives up the cost and decreases profits for the producer.

When the product is software, (how fortunate I am!) the duplication and distribution method can be the Internet. That is what the Internet does, what it is designed to do. There are new challenges to be sure (piracy, for example) but publishing and distribution are now within the reach of a single developer.

The printing press was a giant advance -- It brought the "power to publish" to the world.
The Internet is the revolution bringing the "power to publish" to the individual software developer.

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